Welcome to CC:World, my first podcast where I’ll share perspectives, thoughts, opinions, and discussions related to strategy, products, marketing, and more. Each episode will focus on a specific area based on topics of interest that I’ve experienced, presentations I have given over the years as well as articles, interviews, talks, and books that got me thinking.
My goal with this podcast is to provide you with new ideas, a different perspective, as well as an opportunity to share the learning that could help you in your career. Some of the episodes will be accompanied by an article published on my blog. And sometimes, expect me to go on an unrelated tangent.
As this is my first experimentation with podcasting, I am looking forward to improving your experience as the episodes progress. I would love to get your feedback, questions, and topics of interest, so please get in touch by either sharing an audio message or by filling out the form below.
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Latest episodes

Go beyond PLG and focus on the Customer Journey – CC:World
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Episodes shownotes
- Go beyond PLG and focus on the Customer Journey
- Leveraging Lean Startup in established organizations
- V1 innovation within a V+1 organization
- Where in the org is Product Marketing?
- Freedom and Responsibility
- Passion and care – Business lessons from the top chefs
- Business Lessons from the Aviation World
- Getting the pricing right is harder than it seems
- Santa, Inc. – The amazing business model of a reindeer pilot
- It’s not your opinion, it’s your expertise that matters
- What is “Customer Delight”?
- Introducing the CC:World podcast
Send me your comments, feedback and possible topics
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